Friday, February 17, 2012

What did Hitlar, Brahmins and Periyaar have in common?

What is racism?
 Hate a group of people because of their culture,food habits, skin color,hair color ...
About Periyaar
  Periyaar faught for the equal treatment of all people.
To know more about him go to  wikipedia
That is good right then what is the problem?  
 His cause is for good but his solution and the path is not right.
 He taught his followers to hate the Brahmin community.
 He beleived, removing the brahmin community will remove Hindu relegion and will solve the caste problem.
 His famous quote is "If you see both snake and brahmin together, kill the brahmin first"
Issues in his solution
  Majority people liked this finger pointing!
  They liked the idea of "All the problem is because of Brahmins only" and they have no stake in this discrimination.
  His solution liberated the Non brahmin upper caste from the all the sins they have committed.
  Everybody forgot about Land/Job discrimination.
  Everybody talked about how brahmin did not let these people inside the temple garbhagruh (sanctum sanctorum)    
  His solution helped portray non brahmin upper caste people are also victims of the discrimination.
  His solution helped non brahmin upper caste people to get entitlement in the name of victims

How the Non dalith community claims  they are victim?
    They claim they are denied education. They used literacy rate as a proof.
But they hide there is no need for education in ancient India (even today )
If one has
 1) Land for farming
 2) Business
And those people had no compelling reason to learn. Even today majority of farming community is illiterate.
Whereas brahmins, to keep their superiority over others and for religious purpose pursued education.
Another fact is these brahmins are not good in doing physical labor. They enjoyed being clerk in big farms.
They worked as clerks under kings. These people even worked under muslim kings.

 Aryan Dravidan divide
   Periyaar beleived all brahmins are aryans and rest are dravidans.He took pride in South Indian languages are not derived from Sanskrit.
But he did not explain How a brahmin who spoke and wrote different language denied education for the masses.
Who taught Valluvar,Avaiyaar and other Tamil poets?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

An Argument with Backward Community

Brahmins made us to discriminate fellow humans
"Well!  Can you prove you  did not do it for economic or convenient reasons?"

 You Brahmins! You denied education for us

How come Aryans from some other country who spoke and wrote different language denied education?
Why not accept You already owned land or business and there is no need for education to create wealth.And you are lazy to learn just like a Brahmin is lazy to farm or fight.

We should deny or restrict education for Brahmins and open quota is there for them 
"Are you ready to share the land and education with Dalits? Can we change the inheritance law so that 5% of wealth goes to Dalit Property pool?"

 I should be given reservation easy pass for higher education because I was not treated properly by Brahmins.
"Have stopped illtreating Dalits? Are you treating them equal?"

It is not my intention to claim Brahmins are nice people but to bring the BC,OBC to lime light. Because I am one of them. I will add more question soon

Friday, December 30, 2011

India Caste Reservation Explained

Story of Bats!
  Once Animals(FC) and Birds(SC) went on war with each other. When Animals looked strong,
bats(BC) told the animals since they have tooth they ought to be considered animals and enjoyed the victory and ruled the birds.
When Birds looked strong bats told the birds since they have wings they ought to be considered birds and enjoyed the victory and ruled the animals.

 I have explained how the cunning bats(BC) continue to enjoy all the privileges all the time.

The Story
   Hindu system defines the following three things as wealth
1.Education [knowledge]  (Goddess Sarasvathi)
2.Health [Hard work] ( Goddess Parvathi )
3.Wealth [ Business and Property Ownership and others ]  (Goddess Laxmi)

To obtain wealth and make a good living one need
 Good Job = Needs education
 a Business = Needs Community support
or own land = Needs society support

Definition of good job or high paying or respected job in ancient India
 Army officials
 Temple priests
Definition of bad job or low paying or humiliating job in ancient India
  Washer men
  Street and shit cleaners(sadly yes)
  Live-in farm workers
All routes are closed
Now dalits are denied all of the above routes to wealth for thousands of years.
They are given only low quality low pay/food and shelter jobs. 

Caste Pyramid
 Business Owners
 Land owners

Wealth pyramid
International  Business Owners
Land lords
Domestic and small business owners
Small land owners
Accountants (Brahmins)
Priests (Brahmins)
Labors ( Business castes)
Labors who work in forms ( Dalits)
Labors who help the city and people clean(Dalits)

Who employed dalits?
  Land owners , Business owners and ruling elites.

Why did they deny dalits any kind of wealth?

   Economics – to maintain a cheap labor for agri and business purpose

   Convenience – When modern utilities were not invented, society needed people to keep the city, cloths and people clean

Who are all benefited economically?

   Business owners, Land owners and Rulers

Who are all enjoyed convenience?


What is reservation?
   Since Dalits are denied any kind of wealth in the past several thousands of years, they have lost competitiveness with fellow citizens.
  So even if they take less score they are entitled for higher education and they are allocated seats in colleges.

What is the problem in it?

    It is not just the Dalits eligible for reservation. It included Land owners and business owners

How is that possible? Howcome Land owners and business owners eligible for Reservation Quota?
  Democracy is for the majority people. Majority write the rule. Since Brahmins are on top of the Caste Pyramid (Not the Wealth Pyramid )
and their population is low and are not violent these people put all the blame on them. 
A Land owner who owns 20 acres is considered backward or Most backward and eligible for easy pass.
The value of Land will be worth 2.5 crores ($500K)

Story of Bats!
  Once Animals and Birds went on war with each other. When Animals looked strong,
bats told the animals since they have tooth they ought to be considered animals and enjoyed the victory and ruled the birds.
When Birds looked strong bats told the birds since they have wings they ought to be considered birds and enjoyed the victory and ruled the animals.

Reasoning of Backward Community and the Argument

Brahmins made us to discriminate fellow humans
"Well!  Can you prove you  did not do it for economic or convenient reasons?"

 You Brahmins! You denied education for us

How come Aryans from some other country who spoke and wrote different language denied education?
Why not accept You already owned land or business and there is no need for education to create wealth.And you are lazy to learn just like a Brahmin is lazy to farm or fight.

We should deny or restrict education for Brahmins and open quota is there for them 
"Are you ready to share the land and education with Dalits? Can we change the inheritance law so that 5% of wealth goes to Dalit Property pool?"

 I should be given reservation easy pass for higher education because I was not treated properly by Brahmins.
"Have stopped illtreating Dalits? Are you treating them equal?"

It is not my intention to claim Brahmins are nice people but to bring the BC,OBC to lime light. Because I am one of them. I will add more question soon

Watch this space  I will write more when I get time

Creative Commons License
Reservation Fraud and Lies by Kalki is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.